Tribal Feast 2021

Tribal Feast Plan and Precautions for 2021

After a year’s absence, it is our plan to bring back the Tribal Feast this year and the date is June 5. The Tom-Tom Beater and Runner retreats will return as well.

We are not out of the pandemic yet, but in the last year, we have learned a great deal about how this virus behaves and who it is likely to affect the most. In accordance with that, there will be special precautions in place, and these may require a little additional work on your part. But following these guidelines can assure that we can resurrect this Tribal tradition and keep the venue safe. So, please take note of how this will be handled.

The requirements for attending the Feast will be very similar to the requirements for attending camp, and the check-in process will be very similar to the check-in process we used for Scouts and Leaders every Sunday during last year’s camping season.

When you arrive at camp, you will be diverted to the ridge between headquarters and the dining hall. If you are a Tribesman under the age of 18, you will undergo a symptom screening and a temperature check. If you pass the screening, you will be issued a temporary wrist band indicating that you have passed the screening and after that, you will be admitted to the main part of camp.

If you are an adult over the age of 18, you will also be screened, but you must ALSO submit a BSA Health Form, Parts A & B only. If you have had a COVID Vaccine, you MUST have a copy of your vaccine card attached to your part A & B. (If later in the summer, you are coming to camp as a Leader, you will then also submit a part C.)

For the Feast, we will be following the same guidelines that will be in place for Essential Program Personnel during summer camp. Primarily this means that if you are over the age of 65, you must have documentation of a COVID 19 Vaccine. If you have any of the primary comorbidities, regardless of age (assuming you are 18 or over), you must also submit documentation of a COVID vaccine. Those comorbidities are COPD, Heart Disease (Structural or Functional), Blood Disorders, Diabetes, Kidney or Liver Disease, Weakened Immune System or Immunodeficiencies, and Morbid Obesity (Adult BMI > 40). This documentation must be attached to your BSA A and B form. This form will be placed on file in the Health Lodge. If, during the summer, you are classified as “Essential Program Personnel,” this form will be valid for the entire summer. If you are not a part of the Essential Program Personnel group for the summer, then the form is valid just for the Tribal Feast event. A copy of your COVID Vaccine Card, attached to your A & B form is required.

Following these guidelines assures that we are practicing due diligence to protect the health of everyone attending the event.

To summarize:

EVERYONE attending the Feast or Retreats will be screened at the entrance to camp. No one will enter camp without screening.

ADULTS must ALSO submit a BSA Health Form, parts A & B, AND attach documentation of a COVID vaccine if over the age of 65 OR if you have any of the listed comorbidities.

We are publishing this notice on both the Council and Tribal websites well in advance of the event. Specific details regarding the Feast and Retreats and the means for registration will be published a little later on.