Hammer Head Day

Hello fellow Scouters!

Spring is finally here, and the summer camping season at Camp Geiger is rapidly approaching! You know what that means...

It's time for our annual Hammerhead Work Day! Our amazing Camp Caretaker, Larry Easter, and I need all the help we can get!

Please join us on Saturday, April 15, at Camp Geiger! Work projects will be underway from 8:00 am until roughly 2:00 pm, with a meal provided afterward in Herzog Lodge (approximately 3:00 pm). Please come for as much of the day as you can, and bring a Scouting friend! Check-in anytime after 8:00 am at the Three Claws Maintenance Facility.

Please fill out the online registration form available at this link ASAP: https://forms.gle/Uxy59sZ65tiTJsR36

If possible, please register by Tuesday, April 11, so that we can plan accordingly for projects and food, but you're welcome to join us even if you don't register in advance.

I'm sending this to as many Camp Geiger Scouters as I can, but I know that I'm missing many individuals. So, please forward this to everyone you know that you think might be willing to help!

As always, I truly appreciate all of the amazing volunteer help we receive to keep Camp Geiger THE BEST Scout camp in the nation!

Yours in Scouting,

Dave Fox

Vice Chair for Facilities

Pony Express Council, BSA

Cell: 816-799-7582