Chieftains' Challenge

Chieftains’ Challenge

Scouting’s Survival Depends on You Keeping Your Promise

During the summer of 2021, Friday night Mic-O-Say ceremonies had an additional feature: The Council of Chieftains challenged Tribesmen to help save Scouting. Membership in Scouting took a huge hit during the pandemic, a year in which meetings were infrequent, and there was little opportunity for recruitment.

It is estimated that more than 300 Tribesmen Scouts and Leaders stood to accept the challenge and made a public promise to recruit at least one new member into Scouting. This can be a new Scout or a new Troop Leader.

If you made that promise, you made it with your Scout’s honor and that means you will keep it. If you did not make a commitment then, but would like to now, you may do so.

The Council of Chieftains wants to recognize you when you complete your commitment. Complete the Chieftains' Challenge Form in the link below and submit it to the Council Service Center. You may mail the form or ask your leader to get it to the Service Center. You are asked to identify yourself and name the individual you recruited.

Those who keep the promise this fall will be recognized at the 2022 Conclave and those who complete it after the start of the new year will be recognized at the Tribal Feast. If unfortunate circumstances would prevent you from attending one of these events, the recognition will be mailed to you, so please be certain that your address and phone number are correct.

Chieftains' Challenge Form