Geiger Survivor
5-7-20 Update on Webelos Weekend 2020
This information replaces what was previously published in the 2020 Webelos Weekend Leaders Guide
Webelos Weekend 2020 has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 25 (afternoon check-in) through Tuesday, July 28 (check-out no later than 10 a.m.). Units may elect to depart on Monday evening if they prefer.
Webelos Weekend will follow the same medical policies established for Camp Geiger for 2020, which can be found at http://ponyexpressbsa.org/calendar/summer-camp-2020.
The early fee period is being extended so that there will be no increase in fees regardless of when a Scout or leader is registered. The fee for Webelos Scouts is $88, Webelos Scouts with Popcorn Discount are $63, and Adult Leaders fees are $78.
There will be a departure from usual council policy on refunds:
Any cancellation by a Scout or adult that occurs on or before July 11 will result in a 100% refund of camp fees. Any cancellation by a Scout or adult that occurs after July 11 will result in a refund of the camp fee less $25.
This relaxation of usual policy is done to encourage Scouts and Leaders to continue to plan to attend Webelos Weekend as we navigate through ever-changing conditions and moving targets. Please be assured that the Council Camping Committee is taking every step possible to ensure that camping programs can occur in the summer of 2020.
The Baden Powell Outpost program that was scheduled to run the night before Webelos Weekend will be cancelled for the 2020 camping season. The class and activity schedule (that was previously scheduled for Friday and Saturday) will now take place on Sunday, July 26 and Monday, July 27. Additional program updates including the details on Arrow Path will be shared at a later date.
Webelos Scouts | $88.00 |
Webelos with Popcorn Discount | $63.00 |
Adult | $78.00 |