If you are new to Camp Geiger, we thank you for visiting our site, and if you attended our camp in prior years we welcome you back to one of the best summer camps in the Midwest. At any time you have questions, please feel free to contact us at 816-233-1351.
Our comprehensive 2020 Camp Geiger Leader Guide is your “handbook” for everything that relates to your week at Camp Geiger. Every piece of essential program information is contained in the Guide. It is designed in such a way to be easily readable on screen, or if you prefer, to download and print as a hard copy. Many hours went into preparing this comprehensive guide, organized in a logical, easy to read format. We noted the suggestions you made last year after the first publication of the Leader Guide and incorporated them into this year's work.
Every form you may need is contained in the 2020 Camp Geiger Leader Forms publication. Forms are available as a bound publication, or, if you prefer, as individual files. New this year: most forms are prepared as interactive PDF files, meaning you can fill them out directly on the screen, and then print your finished form.
Download or view: 2020 Camp Geiger Leader Guide | Camp Geiger Leader Forms |
Updated Camp Registration, Fees, and Cancellations
Camp Geiger is preparing its summer program for 2020 with diligence and an extraordinary emphasis on health and safety. COVID-19 has necessitated many changes and adaptation to our program. We have eliminated the first two sessions of camp to allow for additional disease mitigation by delaying the start of camp two weeks. (An additional session has been added to the end of the camping season). For the Tribe of Mic-O-Say, there will be no Tribal Feast this year.
In 2020, unlike any previous year, we need to be able to more severely screen those coming in to camp. There will be special screening procedures in place when your Scouts and Leaders arrive at camp. You will receive that information in another information bulletin.
In order to maximize Scout and Leader safety, this year, there will be a no visitor policy at camp so that the people present in camp are limited to those who have been screened as medically safe to be present. This means that there will also be no visitor attendance at the Wednesday night campfire and no public attendance at Thursday night tapping ceremony. Should circumstances warrant a relaxation of this policy, you will be notified.
We recognize that even the most severe efforts at mitigation will not eliminate the possibility of the Coronavirus being present at Camp Geiger. We anticipate that COVID-19 will likely be present in as diverse a population as Scouts coming in from various locations, and therefore the following policies are in effect.
If you have additional questions regarding these policies for 2020, please contact Alan Franks, Scout Executive, at our Council office at 816-233-1351.
If you have a specific medical question, you may contact the Camp Geiger Supervising Physician, Tim Murphy at tim.murphy@mymlc.com
Summer Camp Dates (updated May 4, 2020)
Week 1: June 7-13 Cancelled
Week 2: June 14-20 Cancelled
Week 3: June 21-27
*Week 4: June 28–July 4 Camping for girl troops and boy troops
Week 5: July 5-11
*Week 6: July 12-18 Contingent Unit and Camping for girl troops and boy troops
Week 7: July 19-25
*Weeks 4 and 6 continue to be designated camping weeks for girl troops and boy troops. Troops that have “sister” troops that ask to camp in the same campsite will be supported by PEC. Certain campsites will be designated for girl troops that wish to camp on their own with other girl troops.
At least two adult leaders must be registered for each unit. Shared leadership between units will not be accepted.
Participant registration is open. A minimum down payment of $100 will be required for each scout and each adult registering. The entire balance is due to the council on May 15th. The incentive to register participants earlier is to begin signing scouts up for merit badge classes when it opens on May 15th at 7:00 am. A scout cannot sign up for merit badge classes until they are paid in full.
Popcorn discount will apply to in-council scouts only.
Camperships apply to in-council scouts only. Application deadline was April 1, 2020. Click here for the campership application.
Part Time Adults
All part time leaders will be asked to complete the Part Time Leader Form found in the leaders guide. This form is to be submitted at camp prior to your arrival.Two part-time leaders may share a full-time slot and will not be charged the per diem fee. Register the part time leader arriving first as an Adult Full Week. The second part-time leader should sign in at Headquarters when checking in to replace the first to arrive. All other part-time leaders should register as Adult Part Time.
If you are registering for the week 6 Provisional Troop 999, please click here for more details and to complete the registration form. Scouts registering for the provisional unit should be an experienced camper or at least 2 years of summer camp experience.
2020 Scout Summer Camp Fees:
Update May 6, 2020 - the early camp rate will be offered through the remaining 2020 camp registration.
Type | Description | Down Pmt | 2020 Rates |
Youth | Full Week | $100 | $284 |
Youth | Full Week New (newly registered or crossed over to the troop since Feb 1 | $100 | $284 |
Youth | Full Week with Popcorn Discount | $100 | $199 |
Youth | Full Week New with Popcorn Discount | $100 | $199 |
Youth | Returning to Geiger for a 2nd week of camping | $100 | $145 |
Adult | Full Week | $100 | $219 |
Adult | Full Week New (newly registered or crossed over to the Troop since Feb 1) | $100 | $219 |
Adult | Part Time (per day) | n/a | $55 |
Adult | Returning to Geiger for a 2nd week of camping | $100 | $112 |
Registration Timeline:
September 16, 2019 Pre-Registration opens to reserve a week of summer camp
February 1, 2020 Participant Registration opens to enter youth and adult participants
April 1, 2020 Campership Applications are due to the council office (for in council scouts only)
May 15, 2020 Total camp fees are due
May 15, 2020 Merit Badge Class Registration opens at 7:00am to sign scouts up for merit badge classes. Scouts must be paid in full to sign up for classes.