The BSA calendar lists the following Faith-Based celebrations for
All of these dates are scheduled around the time of the BSA’s birthday of February 8, celebrating the strong bond between Scouting and our faith-based Chartered Organizations. But these are only guidelines. An organization can adopt a specific Sunday to celebrate, and it is permissible for a local church to celebrate on the Sunday most acceptable to the pastor and the congregation.
Join thousands of Scouts and Scouters as they celebrate these celebrations. The Scout law says that a “Scout is Reverent” and the Scouts of all ages promise to do their “Duty to God”. These values strengthen youth character in their family, community, and faith.
“Oh Lord, build me a Scout whose heart will be clear, whose goals will be high. A Scout who will master himself/herself before he/she seeks to master others, one who will march into the future, yet never forget the past..."
Suggested Scout Sunday Service of Worship (outline)
*Call to Worship
*Responsive Reading
The Scout Law
On My Honor
Hear Our Prayer
*Pastoral Prayer
*Offertory Prayer
*Scripture Reading
*Prayer of Dedication or Offertory
*Closing Hymn
There are a variety of materials to support Scout Sunday efforts, including a suggested order of worship for Scout Sunday titled "A Scout Is Reverent", No. 5-961 that may be adapted to meet the organization’s needs. This publication includes hymns, prayers, responsive readings, quotes, and benedictions. In addition, the Council Service Center can provide religious service program covers, No. 3004, and one-page inserts, No. 3005B as well as Scout Sunday patches as displayed at the beginning of this notice. In addition, many denominations and churches have Web Pages with suggested Scout Sunday Worship Services.
You may also go to the BSA Web page for additional information.
Some Scout Sunday helps and suggestions
Each Scout should wear his or her full Scout Uniform to the Service. All the Scouts and leaders may want to sit together. In addition, religious emblems may be presented to scouts and leaders. Scouts may serve as greeters or ushers, and units may wish to preform a service project for the Chartering Partner. This is an excellent time to also to give a report to the chartering organization of the unit’s activities during the past year as required in the unit charter. You may attend a church that does not charter a Scout unit. You should wear your uniform anyway as many churches are aware of Scout Sunday and will include some things about it in the service.
Discuss some of these ideas with your pastor, rabbi, or minister:
* Use Scout Sunday to award religious emblems that your scouts have earned.
Ask if scouts may serve as church greeters or ushers during the service.
Start the service with a Color Guard with Scouts in uniform Ask if scouts may lead the responsible reading or read the scripture. Present a plaque with the names of the Eagle Scouts from the Church sponsored unit. Present Adult Leader Religious Awards during the service. Conduct a Service Project Workday sometime during the spring and announce your plans on Scout Sunday. This might include a church-based Eagle Scout Project. Another great idea includes the constructing and erecting of a sign on the church property noting that the church sponsors a Scout Troop, Pack, or Girl scouts, etc. with meeting times. Be sure to get final approve from the Church and check for any city ordinances before starting any such project. This sign is a great way to build community awareness about Scouting. Give a report of the unit’s activities over the past year. A video or power point with pictures is a good way for the congregation to see what your unit has done. Ask if Scouts (and adult leaders) can help with the nursery so that regular members may attend the service. Have the Troop’s Chaplain’s Aide offer one of the prayers or help with some other aspect of the worship service. Put up displays in the Church foyer or hallways of the Scout Unit’s activities over the past year.