OA Induction Weekend

Order of the Arrow Ordeal and Brotherhood Induction

Camp Barman
August 13-14, 2022

The Order of the Arrow Lodge induction weekend and brotherhood ceremony will be held at Camp Barman.

Check-in will start at 9:00am on Saturday, August 13th and program will end on Sunday, August 14th at 11:00am

What do I need to bring?
  • Official BSA Health Form (part A and B only) - signed and filled out. Also bring any medication you need with dosage instructions.
  • Backpack with personal camping gear. (please no snacks or electronic gear). Sleeping bag, a separate tarp/ground cloth, rain gear, water bottle, flashlight, insect repellant, sunscreen, cap/hat, pcoket knife, work clothes, gloves, coat/jacket.
  • Bring your full Scout uniform. You will wear yoru uniform during the Ordeal Ceremony on Saturday.


Newly elected Individuals: $40

Brotherhood candidates: $25

All other members: $15

Induction fees include Ordeal sash, handbook, dues fo rthe current year, meals and Brotherhood sash (given when Brotherhood requirements are completed)

Please register online by August 10th if you plan to attend.

Register for this event