Missouri Western State University Merit Badge College 2024

The Lewis and Clark District of the Pony Express Council is excited to host the 2024 Missouri Western State University Merit Badge College on Saturday, March 16. The cost to attend is $25 per Scout and $10 per adult, and this includes all program supplies, a patch, and lunch.

Schedule for the Day

*** Please note that this is the actual schedule. The computer system has slightly different class period times listed that we are unable to modify, but the times published below are correct. Also please note that all of the Eagle-required merit badges are all-day classes.***


7 a.m. counselor breakfast (Student Union)
8 to 8:45 a.m. troop check-in (Student Union)
9 to 11:30 a.m. morning classes
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. lunch (Student Union)
12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. afternoon classes (no closing program after classes over)

Registration, including adjustments to classes, will run through 3/10//24. All classes are open until they reach capacity.

The following merit badges are being taught. Each Scout may register for 1 AM class and 1 PM class, and unless otherwise noted each merit badge is being taught once in the morning and then once again in the afternoon. All Eagle required badges are all-day classes. All other classes are half-day classes, with most (except Fingerprinting which is AM only and Traffic Safety which is PM only) being offered in both AM and PM sessions.

Merit Badge- Classroom- Suggested prerequisites- Counselor

Citizenship in the Community- Popplewell 102 (all day)- 2, 3, 4, 7, 8- Eric Turner
Citizenship in the Nation- Spratt 205 (all day)- 2, 3, 6, 8- Eugene Lickenbrock
Citizenship in the World- Popplewell 201- (all day)- 3, 7- Amanda Terhune
*students will be participating in a live action Zoom call with Scouts from
England and should come prepared to ask questions related to the pre-reqs
Communication- Murphy 109 (all day)- 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8- Brandi Lopez
Electricity- Murphy 112- 2, 5, 8, 9- Matt Lee
Emergency Preparedness- Popplewell 111 (all day)- 1, 2c, 8b- Shawna Russell
Engineering- Murphy 205- no pre-reqs- Dave Davis
Environmental Science- Murphy 108 (all day)- 1, 3, 4- Gary Gile
Family Life- Murphy 110 (all day)- 1, 3, 4, 5, 6- Gary Proffit
Fingerprinting- (AM only) Spratt 216- no pre-reqs- Brian Jackson
First Aid- Murphy 105 (all day)- 5- Shawn Harmer
Personal Fitness- Looney 226 & WBalcony (all day)- 1, 6, 7, 8- Steve Williams
Personal Management- Murphy 104 (all day)- 1, 2, 5, 9- Tom Jones
Sustainability- Popplewell 101 (all day)- 8a- Erik McGuire
Traffic Safety- (PM only) Spratt 216- 5- Brian Jackson

Merit Badge/Advancement Notes:

Please encourage your Scouts to visit with the counselors while in class to verify which requirements are or are not completed. Scouts who take the time to complete preprequisite work or preparation of assignments for merit badges will contribute to a more fun and productive merit badge class for everyone. Scouts who bring either proof of requirements being completed or documentation signed by their parent or Scout leader stating they have completed pre-requisites can ask the counselor to mark the pre-reqs off at the end of class.

For all badges, please read the merit badge pamphlet. All merit badge pre-reqs and requirements reflect the new 2024 advencement updates. For the latest requirments, please visit https://www.scouting.org/skills/merit-badges/all/.

At the conclusion of the event, the counselors will turn in the record sheets to the Council and shortly thereafter we will email out a pdf document by troop showing which badges were completed and/or partially completed. We'll use the Black Pug system to track the merit badge records and can generate completed blue cards upon request if needed.

Register for this event