Test your winter survival skills in the snowcovered slopes of Camp Geiger! Stay the night or nights, or just come out for the competition on Saturday!
Scouts will earn gold nuggets for their teamwork and performance at each activity. Patrol sizes of between 4 and 8 are acceptable.
Main events at Klondike this year will be:
Fire Building- parade ground
First Aid- parade ground
Knots- parade ground
Lashings- parade ground
Shelter Building
Mountain Man Challenge- behind Training Center- Ed Waldeier
Map and Compass- between Running Horse Council Ring and the Pool- Jim Beesley
Plus the cardiac hill sled race!
Awards for the top patrol in each activity, plus the top patrol overall.
Hot lunch will be provided to all registered participants and leaders.
Basic Schedule:
Friday 2/4:
6 p.m. Units may arrive and set up
7 p.m. Movies and popcorn
Saturday 2/5:
8 to 9 a.m. Registration at Octagonal Pavilion
9 a.m. Adult Leader Meeting at Octagonal
9:15 a.m. SPL/PL Meeting
9:30 a.m. Sled Inspections
10 a.m. Off to the stations
12 Noon to 1 p.m. Lunch provided (or patrols may choose to cook their own meals if they prefer)
1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Patrols finish stations
3 p.m. Cardiac Hill sled race
4 p.m. (approximately) Awards Presentations
7 p.m. Campfire and cracker barrel (please bring some snacks to share if staying for crackerbarrel)
10 p.m. Taps
Sunday 2/6:
As desired, arise and clean up, pack up for home, leave
Annual Health and Medical Record, A&B
Long underwear (synthetic)
Fleece or wool pants
Waterproof rain pants or snow pants
Wool or synthetic socks
Insulated & waterproof boots
Long-sleeve shirt (synthetic)
Wool or fleece sweater
Winter coat
Winter gloves
Stocking cap
Extra pair of gloves (recommended)
Boy Scout Handbook
Patrol flag and yell
1 pouch—leather or cloth, be creative
(include patrol name)
Neckerchief (1 per Scout)
Kindling (untreated) - packed in a tote- please don't bring in large outside firewood as there is plenty at Camp Geiger
Sparking device (no matches/lighters)
First aid kit
Minimum 4 poles for shelters/lashings
Ropes suitable for lashings
1 warm blanket
2 gallons water, suitable for drinking
1 tarp
Shooting equipment
Illicit drugs
Excessive jewelry
Inappropriate clothing
Laser pointers
Aerosol cans
The Procrastination Class! You want
to attend, but don’t have time to build that sled? No problem! Now your team can
backpack it. Divide up the gear list between your teammates and compete at the
stations with all the others. This is awesome for new troops, last-minute signups, or
troops hosting Webelos and Arrow of Light Patrols. (These young Scouts must be
part of the patrol within a troop, crew, or ship.)