The Lewis and Clark District invites all Scouters and their spouses/significant others to a night at the Wyeth Tootle Mansion for a "Murder in Wonderland" Mystery and Awards Dinner.
Alice is bored, and why is everyone made in wonderland? The Caterpillar's hookah was laced with arsenic... who did it?
When: Saturday, April 24... gather at 6 p.m.
Where: The Historic Wyeth Tootle Mansion at 1100 Charles Street in St. Joseph
What: A fun night out for Scouters (21 and over) and their spouses. No Scout uniforms (BYOB). Themed costumes encouraged. Includes a fun program, great dinner/dessert, and the presentation of the District Award of Merit. This is the highest award that our district can give.
Cost: $20 per person if registered through 4/9 and $25 after.. please register early so that the event committee can assign parts to everyone.