Lewis and Clark Klondike Derby 2022

The 2022 Lewis and Clark Klondike Derby will be held at the Doniphan County Fairgrounds in Troy, KS from 1/28-1/30. Units may elect to camp arrive anytme after 5 p.m. on Friday, or can arrive on Saturday morning. Camping is also available on Saturday night for any interested units.

Fees will be $8 per person for everyone (youth and adults) registered by 1/13, and $10 per person for everyone registered 1/14 or later.

Friday January 28th

5:00 PM – Units may begin arriving. No organized activities will occur tonight.

Saturday January 29th

8:00am - Registration – in center building

9:00am - Adult Leader Meeting – in center building

9:15am - SPL Meeting – in center building

9:30am - Sled line up/ Inspection – in front of center building

10:00am - Race starts

12:00pm - Lunch – Where you are at, at the time.

12:30pm – Race resumes

3:30pm – Race Ends

6:00pm – Dinner. Troops will be responsible for their own evening meals

7:30 pm – Awards, Cracker Barrel, and Leaders meeting after in front of center building

10:00 pm – Taps

Sunday January 30th

7:00am – Reveille

Clean up / Pack up

Leave No Trace

Drive Home Safely

Each troop furnishes its own tents, food for lunch on the trail, Saturday and Sunday breakfast and dinner, and equipment. The event will provide a patch for each participant. Water will be available (bring your own water jugs to store it in). No ground fires are allowed at the fairgrounds, so please bring a fire barrel if you plan on having a fire. Indoor toilets plus a port-a-potty will be provided. It is recommended that the troop have an adequate cooking heat source, a Coleman stove works well. Remember, all policies of BSA will be followed. Adult leaders are encouraged to bring a camp chair.

Scout Skills to be challenged for points. Top 3 patrols will be recognized:

Tentative Activities:

BB shooting
Blindfold Stretcher Course
Sled Balance
Ladder Building
Panning for Gold (team building activity- supplies provided)
Map and Compass
First Aid

After the day's stations, there will be a crackerbarrel/awards ceremony.

What to Bring:

Each patrol must have a patrol flag.

The Klondike Derby challenge requires a patrol of between 4 and 7 Scouts per patrol/expedition party. Each patrol will need to be single gender, but both female and male Scouts are invited to the Klondike. Each patrol will be competing for the top 3 overall spots including both boy and girl patrols. Each patrol will need to prepare a dog sled with all required gear for the challenges that await them.

Each expedition party will be racing against one another through various wilderness challenges and "Alaskan Camps". Each patrol leader will be handed a sealed satchel with a map and instructions. Trail designations and order of departure will be drawn by lot before the start of the race. Patrols will encounter situations along the trail which require various Scouting skills and ingenuity to overcome. Accomplishing each of these challenges will earn patrols points that will be tallied at the end of the race to proclaim a Klondike champion winner.

Dog Sled Gear List:

Dog Sled (homemade at least 30" wide and at least 48 " long)- If there is no snow on the ground, 2 small wheels, no more than 8 inches in diameter, may be attached to the sled. Inspections will be held prior to race to ensure rules are adhered to.
First Aid Kit
Mess Kits (one per team member)
2 quarts of water, minimum, per member
minimum of 50 ' of rope
hot lunch for all team members
stove for cooking or heating lunch
fire starters (strike anywhere matches AND flint/magnesium and steel striker AND any other allowable fire-starting device your Scouts are skilled with.)

For any questions feel free to contact myself or Dan Hager

Kirk McFadden 913-271-7438

Dan Hager 913-426-1019

Register for this event