The Lewis and Clark District invites all Scouters and their spouses/significant others to a night of fun and a friendly trivia contest at the Atchison Elks Lodge.
We will be presenting the District Award of Merit to 2 great Scout leaders:
Dinner will be catered by the Elks Lodge and will consist of pork chop, fried potatoes, green beans with bacon, salad, roll, cherry cobbler, brownies with cream cheese frositng, and tea and water. Cash bar will be available, so non-uniformed attire is requested.
When: Saturday, April 23... gather at 6 p.m.
Trivia Contest: In addition to presenting 2 District Awards of Merit and the Lewis and Clark Award, we will have a trivia contest with prizes for the winning team. Teams of up to 6 are welcome to sign up together for the dinner to compete in the contest. If there are less than 6, you may still compete, or if preferrered, we can help you form a team of 6 with another small group.
Cost: $20 per person if registered through 4/13 and $25 after... please register early so that the event committee can assign teams for the trivia contest and order food.