Grand River Trails Outdoor Adventure

Grand River Trails Outdoor Adventure
October 1-2, 2022
Terhune Property at 10110 Vow Ave, Cameron MO
Cost is $10 per person
Register online at
Registrations starts at 8:00am
Saturday, October 1
9am to noon - Cub Scouts will start a fishing derby. Boy Scouts will work on the fishing and fly fishing merti badges at that time across the field at Jimmy McKinley Property.
Noon - break for lunch provided by committee
1 pm - The Merit Badge College will start.
1 pm - Cub Scouts will have cub mobile races aka dog sleds and pumpkin carving and and pack rocket building for the rocket launch
5 pm - Cooking class will have the zombie brains aka Goulash done to serve to everyone in attendance.
6 pm - Rocket launch for both Troops and Packs to partake in.
7 pm - Troop Challenges to survive the zombie apocalypse. Cubs are welcome to tag along with the troops to have fun or roast marshmallows on the fire.
8:30 pm - Campfire and flag retirement. There will also be a dutch oven dessert competition.
10 pm - lights out for campers.
Sunday, October 2
7 am - break camp and prepare your breakfast.
8 am - breakfast
8:30am - Scouts Own
9 am - Cubs to depart and Troops will start another sessions of merit badges.
Noon - depart if merit badges are completed.

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