Grand River Trails Fall Camporee 2021

Grand River Trails Nighttime Extravaganza Camporee
October 2-3, 2021
Registration starts at 1:00 pm
Brent Elliott Farm and Lake
Hosted by Troop 222 with all troops running at least one station

*Due to a Covid -19 spike in our area and in Missouri and in accordance with the Covid Policy at Camp Farwesta, the location has been changed to Brent Elliott Farm and Lake.

Theme: Nighttime Scout Extravaganza.
The events will feature a display of scouting skills mixed in with a little bit of "Capture the Flag" type of adventure.

Cost is: $5.00 per person (covers the patch, supplies and cracker barrel)

Tentative Schedule of Events:

Saturday, October 2, 2021

1:00-2:00 pm Registration & Check-in

2:00-3:00 pm Setup Camp

3:00 pm Opening Ceremony Oath and Law

3:15-4:15 pm Fishing Derby Event. Fishing points based on the number of fish caught and size of fish.

4:15-5:30 pm Nature Identification Event. This will be a staggered event and is a walk-through event. Pencil and paper are needed.

5:30-5:45 pm Patrol Leaders Meeting at Headquarters: Patrol leaders receive a folder with detail instructions for the events. They also get a map and a birds eye view of the overall trek in daylight.

5:30-7:00 pm Prepare dinner and cleanup
Dutch Oven Desert Event: points for turning in an entry. Additional points for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place as determined by the judges.

7:00 pm All scouts meet at headquarters and are led to each patrol's starting event by the guides.

7:30-11:30 pm Let the Nighttime Extravaganza Begin!

Evening Events: Each Patrol will need a patrol leader or someone designated as one. All scouts will need a flashlight, long pants, shirt, jacket, boots, and insect repellant. At least one scout will need a backpack to carry the materials for the events. The events below will indicate what each patrol is to bring. Everything else will be provided by the event leaders. All events will be on a mowed trail, but there is poison ivy along side the trail. Also use plenty of insect repellent for chiggers, mosquitoes, and ticks. Arrows will designate the direction from one event to the next. There will be guides along the trail with reflective jackets to help any patrol needing assistance. Each patrol leader in each patrol will be given a reflective jacket to wear. We will have a walkie-talkie for the adults at each station during the evening.

Once the scouts begin the evening trek or events, they are to be as quiet as possible so as not to be heard or seen by the hostile camp which is on the far hill overlooking the trek. Flashlights are of course a necessity and should be used for the whole trek, however the lights should be trained towards the ground and the trails in front of them, and no tup in the trrees and all over the place so the patrol is not spotted by the hostie camp on the far Scoutwest hill. Scouts are to watch for unusual sightings along the way and record for points. They will be asked about their unusual observations and the whole trek at the final debriefing.

Minefield Beware Event: patrol walks through a minefield. (no supplies needed by the patrol)

Hostile Camp Surveillance Event: One or two designated scout from the patrol crosses a bridge, sneaks up to the enemy camp and identifies items in the camp, then makes a map indicating the directions using a compass. This event will be judged by the details the patrol puts into the map and description of the camp. This area will be at our Scout Cabin and there will be a campfire going to help identify the camp. Scouts need pencil, paper and a compass. Points deducted if heard.

Survival Crossing Event: Cross a ravine with an injured scout and perform several first aid procedures on the victim. Materials will be provided by this station. Know the bowline knot, first aid for cuts, broken limb, and shock and stretcher made with poles and blanket or sweat shirt.

Abandoned Fort Event: Build fire and estimate the height of a pole. Points deducted if heard. The patrol will need flint, steel, and a bag of fire kindling and sticks to be brought by the patrol to build their fire. Also need pencil and paper.

Star Light-Star Bright Event: Identify North using stars and identify some constellations. If cloudy, must tell leaders at that station how you would find North in the woods using the stars and also mention some constellations seen at this time of year. No supplies needed by the scouts.

Lost Scouts Search Event: Search for lost scouts on hillside. Scouts will be judged by search and rescue techiques and for finding the items left behind by the lost scout adn teh direction the scout was headed. No supplies needed by the patrol.

Return to Home Quarters Event: After all evening events are done, the scouts will go through a "Debriefing in Home Territory." This will be done by returning to the Headquarters. They will turn in a list of unusual observations noticed or experienced along the trail for points.

Late Night Cracker Barrel at Headquarters: There will be cracker barrel for scouts as they return to headquarters. After that they prepare for bed. Once a scout patrol is done with all events, they are not to return to the course, as others are still finishing the course.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

6:30-7:45 am Rise and shine for breakfast

7:45-8:45 am Cleanup and pack

8:45-9:00 am Vesper Service

9:00 am Awards Ceremony and Thank You trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each event and 3 trophies for the top overall patrols.

Location: Brent Elliott Farm and Lake

Directions: Turn North on Route N at Stewartsville and go 2 miles North to the Maple Grove Church. Turn West at the Church on SW Gridley Road adn go 3/4 miles West. Then turn South into the field which will be marked. Follow the signs to check-in location and camping area will be mowed as well as all th etrails on the 120-acre area.

Water will be available on a trailer and port-a-potties will be available.

Register for this event