Summer Camp 2023 - Week 2

If you are new to Camp Geiger, we thank you for visiting our site, and if you attended our camp in prior years we welcome you back to one of the best summer camps in the Midwest. At any time you have questions, please feel free to contact us at 816-233-1351.

2023 Camp Dates

Week 1: June 11-17
Week 2: June 18-24
Week 3: June 25 - July 1
Week 4: July 2-8 (week for girl troops and boy troops )
Week 5: July 9-15
Week 6: July 16-22 (week for girl troops and boy troops)

Troops that have “linked” troops (boy and girl) can request to camp in the same campsite and will be supported by Pony Express Council. Requests can also be made for an all girl campsite or all boy campsite.
Each troop must maintain their own leadership and cannot be "shared" between linked troops.

2023 Camp Fees

Provisional Unit Campers

If a unit has a scout or adult leader that wish to attend Camp Geiger summer camp individually, they are encouraged to sign up as a provisional camper in week 6. Scouts who want to spend an additional week at camp may also register as a provisional camper. Scouts registering for the provisional unit should be an experienced camper or have at least 2 years of summer camp experience. To register for the provisional unit, please click the Provisional Registration button and submit the form.

Leader Guide & Forms

2023 Camp Geiger Leader Guide

Annual Health & Medical Form

Annual Health & Medical Form

Online Store

Online Store

Order your custom Camp Geiger Summer Camp T-Shirts. Order deadline is by noon on the Tuesday prior to your camping week.

Care packages are also available.

2023 Summer Camp Survey

Coming soon...

Register for this event